Media Coverage

Practical Homeschooling Recommends Friends and Heroes Homeschool Curriculum

The popular homeschool magazine Practical Homeschooling recently gave Friends and Heroes Homeschool Curriculum a glowing review and strong recommendation. Practical Homeschooling described Friends and Heroes as "quality animated stories" and said that "the unit studies definitely take the DVDs to a whole different level." The review concluded by stating that Friends and Heroes Homeschool Unit Studies are "Highly Recommended!"

Read the entire review here.

CM Buzz recommends Why does Easter matter?

The children's ministry website CM Buzz recently reviewed Friends and Heroes new Easter resource Why does Easter matter?

Reviewer and children's ministry leader Keith Tusing described the animation as "dynamic" "along with music that will stir hearts and move your soul." He also went on to say that he appreciates the fact that this ministry resource can help families discover and understand the true importance of Easter.

The review concluded by saying, "I would highly recommend this series to Kidmin Leaders and Parents who desire to help their children focus on the true meaning of Easter."

You can read the entire review here.

Inspire features our Competition Prize Winner

Inspire Magazine's online version featured Community Albums, the joint second prize winner in our Portia's Song Competition.

This charity works with many schools particularly in East London, Oxfordshire and Northamptonshire to train, equip and motivate pupils to use media to benefit their community and to build better communities through music and media.

You can read about all the winners here and read the Judges comments here or view the £10,000 prize-winning video and all the other entries by clicking this link.

Cross Rhythms awards What about Love? 9 out of 10!

"If you are looking for superior children's music, look no further."

Kingdom Vision features Friends and Heroes

Kingdom Vision is a web magazine published by Soul Mission, a charitable Company based in Truro, Cornwall. It was created for the church – in all its varying sizes, shapes and denominations – and they have reviewed and featured Friends and Heroes on their pages recently.